The first box I tore into was from Camille Wanders, they sent in cute little organic hand dyed pouches, very cool and well made!
Bella Pure's box was next, I opened it to find samples of facial moisturizing night creme, vegan of course, and even a bag of items for me to try and review! Our very first submission for review on this blog! It's easy, send in any item you would like me to review, my mailing address is on the sidebar! So far so good with the items she sent me for review, keep your eyes peeled this coming week. My skin is super sensative and it is loving Bella Pure so far!
Last but not least at all are Veganessas awesome felt pouches, they are all so cute. Some have little animals, some have sayings, some are circles some are squares. Very creative and cute! Jessi still uses hers from the last round of sample bags!
Wow, so so awesome, I can't wait to get my pics and goodies in and also to get my sampler pack! ;0) Yay! Go Vegan Samples! :0)